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  Pinar del Río

Museum Provincial

The provincial museum exhibits a wide variety of objects ranging from information about the foundation of the city to pieces of the 19 th century. Regarding culture, you will find works of renowned Cuban painters and sculptors as well as belongings of Enrique Jorrín, creator of the famous rhythm Cha Cha Cha, and Pedro Junco, author of the anthological song “Nosotros”.

Address: Calle Martí between Isabel Rubio and Colón

Museum of Natural Sciences “Tranquilino Sandalio de Noda”

It attempts to present a summary of the evolution of the species from the birth of life until the origin of humankind. It is located in the ancient Guach Palace. Among the species of primitive fauna, there are fossil remains of a plesiosaur, a marine animal that inhabited the waters that covered a strip of land containing the famous Viñales Valley millions of years ago.

Address: Calle Martí and avenida Cavada.

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